WhatsApp is taking significant steps to curb misinformation by launching a reverse image search feature, now available for users on WhatsApp Web Beta. This new tool, developed in collaboration with Google, aims to help users verify the authenticity of images they receive within the app. The feature is designed to help detect whether an image has been manipulated or taken out of context, making it easier for users to identify fake content.
How the Reverse Image Search Works
The reverse image search can be accessed directly through WhatsApp without requiring users to download the image. By simply selecting an option to search the image on the web, WhatsApp will upload it to Google's reverse image search, with the user's permission. The search will then be conducted through the user's default web browser. WhatsApp ensures that it does not have access to the content of the image during this process, with all actions managed by Google.
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New Features for iOS Users
This new feature comes amid WhatsApp's ongoing efforts to enhance privacy and security for its users. The company recently launched several updates for iOS users, including new augmented reality (AR) effects and filters for video calls and photos. The latest update, version 24.25.93, introduces AR effects such as confetti, star windows, and underwater scenes, which can be accessed through the camera's image wand icon. Users can also enjoy new document scanning tools, which include color, grayscale, and black-and-white filters, along with an auto-shutter feature for improved scanning.
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WhatsApp's Focus on Privacy and Security
As 2025 approaches, WhatsApp has also shared a significant update regarding its safety efforts in India. The platform banned 73.6 million accounts throughout the year, with 13.7 million of those accounts being removed proactively between January and October. WhatsApp has long prioritized privacy and security, with major features like end-to-end encryption (2016), Face ID and Touch ID unlock (2019), disappearing messages (2020), and the Private Audience Selector (2023). The addition of features like the Group Context Card and Passkey Verification in 2024 further solidified WhatsApp's commitment to user safety.