Hyundai Creta Electric was unveiled in India on Thursday after months of anticipation. The electric vehicle (EV) will be launched at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, which kicks off on January 17. According to Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL), the Creta Electric is the company's first localized electric SUV that will sit below the Ioniq. 5 in the company's EV lineup in India. It comes loaded with active air flaps (AAF), connected LED lamps on the front and rear, and aero alloy wheels.
With Creta Electric, Hyundai aims to take on other competitors in the mid-size electric SUV market such as the Tata Curvv EV, Mahindra BE 6, MG ZS EV, and the upcoming Maruti Suzuki e Vitara.
Hyundai Creta Electric Launch Date
Hyundai Creta Electric will be launched at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, which takes place between January 17-22. The five-seater EV will be available in four variants — Executive, Smart, Premium, and Excellence. Hyundai will offer 8 monotone and 2 dual-tone color options including 3 matte colours.
Hyundai Creta Electric Features
According to To Hyundai, the Creta Electric borrows design cues from its internal combustion engine (ICE) counterpart, with similar styling elements such as a pixelated graphic front grille, front and rear bumper, pixelated LED reverse lamp, and LED tail lamps. It gets 17-inch aero alloy wheels with Low Rolling Resistance (LRR) tires for enhanced aerodynamics and increased range. The Creta Electric is equipped with an AAF system that has been strategically integrated to manage the airflow, keep the vehicle components cool, and improve the aerodynamic performance.
When purchasing the EV, customers can choose from two battery pack options — 51.4 kWh (Long Range) and 42kWh. The long-range variant is claimed to deliver a driving range of up to 473 kilometers on a single charge, while Creta Electric with the 42kWh battery pack has a 390-kilometre range. It can be charged from 10 percent to 80 percent in just 58 minutes when using DC charging, while the 11kW Smart Connected Wall Box charger (AC Charger) can juice up the vehicle from 10 percent to 100 percent in four hours.
While Hyundai did not delve into the EV's powertrain, the Creta Electric (Long Range) will have a 0-100 kilometers per hour acceleration time of just 7.9 seconds. Just like the ICE Creta, the Creta Electric is loaded with technology. It offers Vehicle-to-load (V2L) technology which means the EV can be used to power external devices inside and outside. Further, it has i-Pedal technology that allows drivers to accelerate, decelerate, and stop the vehicle using just the accelerator pedal.
For enhanced convenience, the Creta Electric has a shift-by-wire system that uses electronic connections instead of a mechanical linkage between the gearshift and the transmission. This is claimed to deliver a more futuristic driving experience.