Xiaomi Pad 7 was launched in India on Friday. The tablet is equipped with a Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chipset and an 8,850mAh battery with 45W fast charging support. It sports an 11.2-inch 3.2K LCD screen and ships with Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0. The tablet carries a quad-speaker system with Dolby Atmos support and has several AI-backed features like AI Writing and AI Live Subtitles. It is offered in two RAM and storage configurations and is scheduled to go on sale in the country later this month.
Xiaomi Pad 7 Price in India, Availability
Xiaomi Pad 7 price in India is set at Rs. 27,999 and Rs. ₹30,999 for the 8GB + 128GB and 12GB + 256GB options, respectively. The higher variant is offered in a Nano Texture Display Edition that is listed at Rs. 32,999. It comes in Graphite Grey, Mirage Purple and Sage Green color options.
The tablet will be available for purchase in the country via Amazon, Xiaomi India e-store and Xiaomi's offline retail stores starting January 13. ICICI Bank customers can enjoy a Rs. 1,000 discount.
Xiaomi Pad 7 Specifications, Features
The Xiaomi Pad 7 sports an 11.2-inch 3.2K (3,200 x 2,136 pixels) LCD screen with up to 144Hz refresh rate, up to 360Hz touch sampling rate, 800nits peak brightness level, as well as Dolby Vision and HDR10 support. The display has a TÜV Rhineland Triple Eye Protection certification and is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
The tablet is powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chip, paired with up to 12GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 256GB of UFS 4.0 onboard storage. It ships with Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0 out-of-the-box.
You get a 13-megapixel rear camera on the Xiaomi Pad 7, while the tablet sports an 8-megapixel ultrawide selfie camera. It carries a quad-mic setup and a quad-speaker system with Dolby Atmos.
The Xiaomi Pad 7 packs an 8,850mAh battery with 45W fast charging support. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.4 and a USB 3.2 Type-C Gen 1 port. It is equipped with an infrared transmitter. The tablet measures 251.22 x 173.42 x 6.18mm in size and weighs 500g.
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