The upcoming Hindi drama series Ek Farzi Love Story is now streaming on January 10, 2025, capturing the essence of modern relationships shaped by the digital age. The story revolves around Kritika Sharma, an ambitious content creator, and Manav Chaudhary, a reserved chartered accountant, whose lives collide at a creator event in Chandigarh. A viral video compels the duo to fake a relationship, propelling them into the limelight as the internet's most adored “couple.” As their public personas flourish, the lines between fiction and reality blur, exposing vulnerabilities and truths about themselves.
When and Where to Watch Ek Farzi Love Story
The series premieres exclusively on Amazon MXPlayer, starting January 10, 2025. Its modern take on relationships, social media influence and personal growth, promises to captivate audiences. The show brings together drama and romance, making it a must-watch for viewers interested in contemporary storytelling.
Official Trailer and Plot of Ek Farzi Love Story
The trailer, released on official platforms, teases an engaging mix of humor, drama, and romantic tension. Kritika, played by Reem Shaikh, embraces the fame stemming from the fake romance, while Anshuman Malhotra's Manav remains reluctant about the ruse. Their chemistry drives the narrative as their staged banter transitions into genuine camaraderie, eventually leading to deeper emotions. A threat from a stalker adds a layer of suspense, pushing them to confront the authenticity of their bond.
Cast and Crew of Ek Farzi Love Story
The series features Reem Shaikh as Kritika Sharma and Anshuman Malhotra as Manav Chaudhary in leading roles. Written by celebrated authors Sumrit Shahi and Durjoy Datta, the show is produced by Dice Media under the banner of Pocket Aces. Filmed in Mumbai, Ek Farzi Love Story offers a fresh perspective on the impact of digital culture on personal lives.
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