Two police stations, Kinango and Kayole Police Stations, through auctioneers, have announced the auction of millions worth of unclaimed properties that have been lying idle at the stations.
Among the uncollected properties are 39 motorcycles and nine vehicles whose value is worth millions.
Through a gazette notice, auctioneers contracted by the police stations to oversee the exercise revealed that the vehicles and motorcycles would be sold to the highest bidders if the owners failed to claim them within the indicated period.
Kayole Police Station issued a notice to the owners of properties that have been lying idle at the station. This was following an order under Miscellaneous Application No. E76 of 2025 by the Principal Magistrate’s Court at Makadara. The items include 39 motorcycles and nine vehicles.
A police station in Kenya.
Among the motorcycle models being put up for auction were TVS, Bajaj, Dayun, Boxer, Skygo, Yamaha, Jincheng, and Captain. Car models that are set to be put up for auction include Landcruiser, Toyota, Nissan, Daihatsu Mira, BMW, and Mazda. Other items were a chassis and a Sunlink solar panel.
The owners were urged to collect the said items within seven days from January 25, upon payment of all accumulated costs.
“Failure to which Windsor House Auctioneers are authorised to sell them through public auction without any other notice nor reference to the owner,” the notice warned.
Kinango police station, which gave two notices, issued the notices after an application was made at the Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Kwale to have the owners of the unclaimed properties collect them at the police station.
“Notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya and following authorities and order under Misc. Application Case No. E3 of 2025 in the Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court at Kwale, to the owners of motorcycles lying idle and unclaimed within Kinango Police Station, to collect the said properties at the said police station upon payment,” the notice read.
The owners of the vehicles were given seven days from January 25 to pay all accumulated storage charges, gazette publication costs, and any other incidental costs incurred.
Failure by the owners to collect the said properties in the window provided, Kinango Police Station through Makys Auctioneers shall sell by way of public auction on expiry of a thirty-day notice in effect from January 25.
The first notice by Kinango notified the public of 11 motorcycles, and among the models were Haujin, Flyboy, TVS, and Sumo.
The second notice by the police station notified the public of three Haujin motorcycles. Other items on the disposal list were exercise bikes, a generator, a pickup, milling machines, and a chassis.
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Mombasa Ferry