A woman from California was sentenced to more than three years for her role in a “birth tourism” scheme, in which women traveled to America to give birth, who was giving her congenital citizenship, in the central district The US Attorney Office spokesman California confirmed.

Jing Dong, also known as Fobe Dong, and her husband, Michael V. Yohlu, convicted One fee on each conspiracy and 10 counts of international money laundering at one in September. Liu was sentenced to 41 months in jail last year, the same sentence.

While the case is year old, the punishment comes when President Donald Trump wants to end the citizenship of the birthright. They founded one executive Order In an attempt to finish it, but a federal judge in Seattle temporarily blocked Order. Under the 14th Amendment, children born in the US are considered American citizens. Some expected mothers travel to America to give birth as a way to gain American citizenship for their children.

Dong and Liu were one of more than a dozen people in 2019 Birth tourism charge. 19 persons alleged, who were associated with three separate schemes, allegedly helped to give birth to thousands of people in the US. OfficersThe three businesses advertised the US with better educational resources as the “most attractive nationality”, including “free education from Junior High School to Public High School”.

“America's way of life is not for sale,” Joseph McAius, then Special Agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigation Los Angeles, said, said in one 2019 press release About the prosecution. “HSI will aggressively target people who will make fun of our laws and our values ​​and enrich themselves. No one needs to remind anyone about the national security and public security implications and crimes related to the visa fraud. It is to exploit our country's generosity and our legal immigration system should be on notice – they can end up to pay a lot of price. “

Between January 2012 and March 2015, Dong and Liu accused Chinese customers of thousands of dollars for helping to give birth to the US, according to the Department of Justice. She ran a maternity house in Rancho Kukmonga, California, and hired apartment units to pregnant Chinese women. Women usually return to China within one to two months of giving birth.

While pregnant people can visit America, customs and Border Protection Note on your website that the officers will keep in mind the due date of a pregnant person and the person plans to stay in the US while deciding whether the person will be allowed in the country.

Officials said Liu and Dong would advise their customers how to hide their pregnancy. Through our business USA Happy Baby Inc., they will advise customers Low customs checkThe Department of Justice said, such as air, for Los Angeles, wearing loose fitting clothes, to favor a few rows at customs, which they are considered less strict, and the answer to the questions of customs officers To give, “said the Department of Justice.

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