Washington -Chet Democrats on Tuesday blocked a Republican -led measures that would approve the international criminal court, arguing that the bill as a bill would be a backfire on American colleagues and companies.
Sen John Fetraman of Pennsylvania was the only Democrat, who voted with Republican to advance the law. In 54 to 45 votes, the bill fell less than 60 votes required to carry forward the bill.
Ahead of New York Democrats, the Senate minority leader Chak Shumar said, “The bill has been poorly drafted and deeply problematic. It will have many unexpected consequences that reduce their primary targets.”
Earlier this year, the House passed the law that would punish the ICC on the decision to find the arrest of top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on alleged war crimes.
Measurement Last June passed the lower chamber With the support of 42 Democrats, further exposing the democratic partition on war in Gaza. The bill was ignored by the Senate, which was then controlled by the Democrat.
Rape Chip Roy, a Texas Republican, and Republican Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Florida's Rape Brian Mastool re -presented the bill earlier this month, arguing that the “illegitimate” court “was a Represents a big danger.
This time, 45 house Democrats voted in favor.
The law “wants to approve people involved in investigation, arrest, custody, or any attempt to prosecute any protected person of the United States and its colleagues.” The restrictions include cancellation of American visas organized by ICC authorities, blocking their entry into the US, and preventing them from property transactions.
Although the Democrats has criticized the court for an attempt to punish the Israeli officials, people have argued that this measure is very widespread and can cause the results to be punished which can target it. Do not intend, such as American technology companies that provide services. ICC but there is no role in making investigatives or prosecution decisions.
“It will be almost impossible to attach these sanctions to the court on other issues in our national interest,” Sen Jean Shaheen of New Hampshire said in a floor speech on Tuesday.
The top Democrat Shaheen of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee said that he tried unsuccessfully to negotiate a change in the bill with Arkansas Republican, Sen Tom Cotton, who led the Senate Intelligence Committee. Cotton said that concerns were baseless.