AWS EBS-Elastic Block Storage-Customers usually massively over-divishan cloud storage Capacity and pay way more than they should. Capacity Utilization on EBS is Between 10% and 30%, According to DATAFY, A Startup That Claims It Can Slash AWS Customers' Block storage Deployments.
According to Gurdip Kalley, Head of Business Development at DATAFY, The Core Issue With AWS EBS is that it is effectively a form of Direct-Atached Storage (DAS) But in the cloud, and that differences from other acquisted block storage such as fsx which can be one-to-many. And so, because of this, customer devops engineers invaribly over-devision capacity service especially in kubernetes deployments,
“EBS is elastic, but it's not that elastic,” said kalley. “So, customers pay up front for capacity, just like you do for mobile phone storage and you pay wheether you use it or not.”
According to kalley, eBS eclipses all other Aws cloud storage services in terms of reveneue, with a datafy-estimated $ 10bn of income. “It's popular trust it's the Easiest Way to Lift-Rand-Shift Storage for EC2 and Eks Applications,” He Said.
But there's a problem in terms of scaling. To scale up is easy, said kalley, but to scale down is far less so. What you have to do is to create a new, smaller volume, move the data, then break all connections with the application and the old volume and connect to the new volume, he said, adding: And they'll do this once or twice, but not after that. “
What datafy does is deploy an agent in all instances of customer Aws Compute. Here, it determines the size of volumes and replaces single larger volumes with a number of smaller ons.
This is where datafy's smarts reside-in its virtualization of many volumes to make them appear as one, and so allowsier scaling as multiple Volmes are added and subtracted to Right-Size capacation.
Kalley said there are no “non-as wells concepts” introduced to the running of datafy agents and supra -Gent intelligence. “Customer data is copied from the original volume to the datafy volume [actually volumes, in the plural]”He said. “Now, the original can be deleted and the customer will now save money. We can grow capacity in real time as needed, with shrinking place to ensure the least possible disrupt. “
Pricing is based on capacity managed and come in at 20% of AWS capacity managed. If that seems a steep percentage, it's trust datafy is confident the customer will pay a lot less than it did for over-provesioned aws eBS storage.
For example, if you want $ 100 per month and now spend $ 40 per month – which assumes a previous utilization rate of 40% – the cost of datafy would be 20% of the Latter Figure and a Total of 48. And you only pay if you make savings.
Datafy is available on the AWS Marketplace, Starting in Q1 2025.
Later in 2025, DATAFY will expand its capability to Azure and Google Coud Platform Block storage.