Mail stolen on increase due to failure to secure keys for mailbox


Federal prosecutors said on Wednesday that a former US postal service worker admitted to stealing the game of more than $ 100,000, when he worked as a mail sorted clerk, federal prosecutors said on Wednesday.

Officials said 34 -year -old Shelby Dosier of Bronx started working at the main post office in Clifton, New Jersey in August 2022. As long as the parcel was sent to a nearby consignment auction house, as long as he was sent to the house, began to disappear. Court documents were filed against the dosier.

The packages of the auction house included trading cards and other sports memorials that both were receiving from customers and sending people from all over the world. Officials said that between September 2022 and December 2022, the doseer stole at least 10 parcels.

The pre-mail sorter will have to pay $ 108,692.49 to the victims, as as part of their petition with the prosecutors, the Department of Justice said.

On April 22, Dodger is expected to face punishment. He can face a prison of up to five years Stole package as a USPS employee,

A federal oversite report released last month revealed that Mail theft is getting more common Inside the postal service.

CBS News Colorado said that the office of Inspector General says that criminal organizations are targeting employees to transfer drugs and steal checks. In Milwauki, an employee confessed to stealing more than 1,200 pieces of the mail.

To report suspicious mail losses to postal inspectors, call 877-876-2455 or deposit at a tip,

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