The email reminds me of the one that Musk sent early in his Twitter days, demanding that the employees completed what the employees had completed last month, email the one-page details of what was different from their goals.

Instead of calling with the shed in these meetings, TTS employees were surprised instead of meeting people they had never seen or worked before.

An employee of TTS told the shed in an open slack channel, “It was a very misleading call because I expected to meet you, and instead I met two men who were reluctant to recognize myself.” One wrote, “He had not seen the information I presented in his form, so I was given up trying to convince things without the scenes/links I had presented.”

Another employee said, “There was only one accurate experience.” “The person I met, he had no information about the Google form I presented and when I referred to it, I got it with escaping.”

In a dull message to the TTS employees viewed by Wired on Thursday morning, the shed apologized for an ambiguous and sudden meeting invitation, and to include anonymous persons in the meetings joining the Gmail address.

“They are in the onboarding process of obtaining each GSA laptop and PIV card. I take full responsibility for the tasks of each of them in the call. I have asked them to start calls with my first name and confirm that they are an advisor to me, ”the shed said in a screenshot of the slack message viewed by Wired.

The shed told the staff that people were “vetoed by me on the call, and the call was invited.” He said that he was physically present with him at the GSA headquarters, and he “had all converted them into a building.” This means that people involved in the call are not currently issued official government IDs to the agency employees.

At least two of these persons “college students with high A-suit clearance,” appeared as a TTS source, a TTS source told Wired. (Tie A-suit clearance staff to the office of GSA Administrator.)

A person says NeurlinkMusk's brain-computers interface company, Wired has recognized as a person working first Personnel Management Office (OPM) And directly reporting to his new Chief of Staff, former XAI employee Amanda Scale. He has not responded to the requests for comment from Wired, and the OPM refused to comment.

“We have no additional personnel announcement at this time.” A GSA spokesperson told Wired on Thursday.

It is specific for TTS workers to work closely with other agencies across the government, many of their projects are subject to external data and sensitivity agreements for GSA. Being necessary to share specific technical achievements, however, shook some employees who feared that they could break these agreements.

The shed wrote in the GSA Slack on Thursday, “Team these calls are correct in feeling nervous sharing details about other agencies and should continue to follow general guidance that is not to share sensitive information.” “The point of these calls is interesting examples to talk through problems/victory and digging about how that victory was realized. A chance for you a chance about how you solve a problem. ,

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