You can see some of these words echoing around the view of the hair mask. There is little insight here what they mean.

Sulfates: Sulfates are cleansing agents usually found in shampoos and conditioners. If they use too much, they can dry, so if you have dry hair, you want to avoid them.

Color-safe: Color-saff is not a regulated term, but it usually indicates that a product is free from intensive cleaning agents that can fade your hair. I have some color-safe products that snatch my hair color and others who do not pull out any pigment. If you have colored hair, I recommend doing a patch test on a small section on a small section on a small section behind your head, before he slashes a product.

alcohol: Short-chain alcohols such as prophenol, ethanol, and isopropile alcohol are evaporated quickly, which can make your hair dry. Fatty alcohols such as stegral alcohol can actually moisturize hair. All alcohol are not made evenly. Alcohol-free product is not necessarily more moisturized.

Silicons: Silicons to coat the coat hair shaft to make it smooth and Shaniyar. But if they do not solve water, they can build over time, which can cause dull and dried hair. Finally, do you use silicone, come down to personal preference. I try to escape from them, but I use a deep-cleaning shampoo once a month or so it is full of sulfates, which is to “reset” my hair and use by me Relieves any sexing buildup from any product to be done.

active ingredients: Most masks lie down on their “active ingredients” (and I have broken further important materials in non-complete lists in tables under my recommendations). These can be things like oil, butter, plant extracts and keratin. Some materials do not promise some results. For example, my hair loves some products with Shia butter and actually hates it in other products. The material can give you an idea of ​​what the mask is trying to achieve, but the best way to detect it is just to try it. It can also be helpful in looking at reviews of other people with similar hair types.

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