Telegram is rolling out six new features which may enhance the gifting experience, the company announced on Thursday. As part of the changes, users can now display collective gifts as Emoji Statues and Transfer Gifts to the Blockchain and even action them. Further, it also also brings the ability to share collectible gifts via telegram stories. Notable, this is the second Major update of the year, following the January Ures.

New features on telegram

As per telegram, users can now show off collectable gifts by adding them as emoji statuses. Upon Application, a glittering star effect will appear and the user's profile appearance will be modified in line with the backdrop and the collectible's symbol. This functionality can be toggled via my profile> gifts.

Similar to collectable usernames and numbers, the instant messaging platforms users to transfer or auction gifts via the ton blockchain. Telegram says this grants them permanent control over gifts, even if they lose access to or delete their account. Moving a gift to the ton wallet brings additional perks offered by auction sites or platforms.

It also rolls out the ability to send gifts to channels, which the platform says, can be used to celebrate millstones and special attains. These are said to appear on the channel's profile and can be upgraded with stars before being Additional, Channel Owners can transfer them to other users and channels, or even auction them via the aforensioned blockchain feature. This feature is being gradually rolled out and will be expanded over time, as per the company.

Other Add-ors include sharing collective gifts on Telegram stories in the form of an animated preview and a filtering feature in the Gifts Tab which can be used to sort gifts based on the collective status, date received, and value. Channel admins can toggle notifications to keep a track of incoming gifts.

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