A number of federal employees on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ,

An internal email received by Wired shows that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of NOAA should be ordered to stop “all international engagement”. (Their emphasis.) The message states that the orders expand to participation in international commissions and even “email with foreign national colleagues”.

Email further instructs NMFS employees-to promote the conservation of life and to present any ongoing work detail For, which includes the US Department of Commerce, NOAA. Umbrella Agency.

The NOAA and the Department of Commerce did not immediately respond to the remarks requests. The purpose behind the Inmunicado Order is not immediately clear, nor is it clear how long they will last.

According to a source with knowledge of NMFS operation, oblivion was given because – in this story, they were not authorized to talk to the press along with other sources, NOAA officials discussed in a meeting targeted by the Trump administration on Wednesday. , The face of his work says “huge exposure” due to offshore wind projects and Participate At the International wind power workshops, conferences and summit.

The agency estimated, for example, hosting international fellows and intern in this summer is associated with an offshore wind development Working group The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, founded by the world's oldest inter -government science organization.

President Donald Trump released executive Order On its first day in the office designed to paralyze the increase in wind energy. In a postinagural speech, He told the rally-goer: “We are not going to talk about wind.”

According to another source of NOAA, the orders of the income environmental environmental satellites, data, and information services extend to it. In addition to collecting data from the federal government, NESDIS depends on a wide range of international partners. The weather and climate data of Nesdis is required not only for air transport protection, but also for drought dealing, monitoring coral reef destruction and safety of railway shipping carriers against dangerous weather.

Nesmis WebsiteIt works closely with the European Space Agency, which provides access to data through a collection of sentinel satellites created by Eumitsat, an international meteorite manufacturing agency, more than 30 member states.

Wire Informed on Wednesday NOAA officials were ordered to grant a grant to Nikhil Rajpal, a former Twitter employee, who does not specialize in the ocean and atmospheric science, the power to edit documents related to the work of the agency hosted by Google sites hosted by Google sites . Sources said that the order, the acting Commerce Secretary Jeremy came from the pelter.

Government records suggest that Rajpal now has email addresses working with Noaa and Elon Musk's Skilled Task Force. Wired has also learned that Rajpal has been listed as a “expert” on a roster in the office of the Personnel Management Office, Government of Human Resources, where Dogi operatives have set up a server gathered on federal employees. Decited resignation program which has been used to communicate repeatedly to the administration.

NOAA has been a popular goal of conservators, many of which have called for its various tasks Either disintegrated or privatized,

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