Karl Bergstrom, an theoretical and evolutionary biologist, believes that the journal is part of the ongoing attempt to doubt around the scientific consensus. “If you can create confusion that opinion is not a predominance that says, there are effective ways to control vaccines and masks epidemics, then you can reduce that notion of scientific consent, you can create uncertainty , And you can push a particular agenda ahead, ”he says papers made, they can provide cover to politicians. Can be done.

Upon arriving on the phone on Thursday, Kulladorf said that Bhattacharya and Makeri were contacted to stay on the editorial board before their nomination by President Trump. “Now, they are not an active member of the board,” he said. (The magazine's website lists Bhattacharya and Makarri as “on leave”.) He said that there is no “connection” between the journal and the Trump administration.

Kulladorf told Wired that the journal would be a place for open discourse and educational freedom. “I think it is important that scientists can publish what they think is important science, and then people should be open to discuss instead of preventing publication,” says Kulladorf.

Kuldorf and Andrew Noimer, an epidemiologist from UC Irwin who has been one Lab leak the principle proposer The origin of Kovid is named as the editors of the magazine in the head. The Scott Atlas, which was tapped by Trump to serve in the White House Koronwirus Task Force in 2020, is also nominated as a member of an editorial board. Atlas, a radiologist by training is created false claims This mask does not work to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

In January, Noor wrote an op-ed supporting Bhattacharya's nomination for the NIH Administrator. In this, he praised Bhattacharya for various approaches for his open mind. That op-ed Was published In realclearpolitics.

Angela Rasmusen, an American virologist and research scientist at Suskechewan University, says that the journal can be used to legalize and legalize pseudo-scientists and anti-public health ideas. “I don't think it is going to give them any credit with real scientists. But the public may not know the difference between the Journal of the Academy of Public Health and the New England Journal of Medicine, ”she says.

Taylor Dotson, a professor at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, who studies the intersection of science and politics, says that there is a “legitimate concern” that the magazine can become a repository for evidence that Bolts can become a repository for the evidence People are in favor. If confirmed, Bhattacharya and Makari bosses may be potentially Robert f. Kennedy Junior.To lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Trump's enrolled person, known for promoting a wide range of debunned scientific beliefs, including it is that there is a link between vaccines and autism and that AIDS is not caused by HIV virus.

Dotson warns that there is a risk that the existence of magazines closely with a certain political approach can deepen the politicization of science. “The worst situation is that you begin to be magazines for those who are anti -populous and installation and are magazines for people studying NPR and New York Times.”

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