Stoibers and its colleagues at the EWG monitored the consumer-grade water filtration systems available in the US. Organization tests have found that mango pitcher filters from brands like Brita and Berry Do not remove all PFAs evenly wellBut some do an excellent work, based on EWG's tests, which include the pitcher filter systems created by the EPIC water filter, US-based firm.

“I would say that PFAS is yet to be the number one contaminated that we are receiving a response to be worried about our customers,” Joel Stevens calls the cofounder of the epic water filter. The filters made by his company for their water pitcher include a carbon block. “Thousands of carbon fiber layers that are wrapped around a block,” they explain. As water moves through those fibers, closes PFAs and other contaminants including carbon chlorine and lead.

At the time of about three months, the company will launch a new pitcher filter that can also remove heavy metals and fluoride. Fluoride is added to water in some areas to improve dental health, although some people would not prefer to drink it due to a possible link between fluoride and adverse neurological effects. Scientific analysis suggests However, in countries like America, the risk of tap water is very low.

While there are some very effective water filter products on the market, Stoiber says, many still throw filters spent in garbage, meaning they eventually end up on landfill sites where PFA again again out of the environment Can leave.

Customers of Epic Water Filters can return their own filters to the company. Stevens said in a follow-up email, “The filter is then sent to a special recycling center, where plastic is recycled and internal filters are dissolved.”

Stoiber's research shows that some forms of PFAS materials Can release harmful compounds in the environment. “We still do not have good settlement recommendations for the treatment media spent,” she says. However, it is possible to break the PFAS compounds Highly high temperatureEven as 1,500 ° C (2,730F). Some researchers are currently finding out how granulated active carbon can be chemical additives Reduce the required heat PFAS to break the compounds.

There is another problem with the current approach to PFAS. “This point requires community level drinking water treatment, as the cost should not fall on the person.” “It should not be inappropriate, which has a filter, which does not, which is exposed.”

While some American drinking water facilities are now installing large -scale PFAs filtration techniques, Like Tampa, FloridaCost of doing so across the country Arabs can have spiralAccording to some analysis. While Stoiber says that the most effective strategy to avoid PFAS contamination is not the first place, countless companies still do, and it can be a long time when they disappear completely from consumer products Go, if it ever happens.

For now, there is a risk that the Trump administration can weaken the new US water regulations that demand the removal of some PFAS molecules from tap water supply, called Stoibers. “We are fighting to protect the laws of drinking water that were just passed,” she says. “I think everyone's eyes are on him.”

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