WhatsApp is working on expanding its Channels feature to make it easier for users to promote and share their content. Launched over a year ago, Channels enable users to broadcast information to a wide audience. Initially aimed at celebrities and large brands, the feature has since been opened to anyone, allowing users to create and manage their own channels. While WhatsApp users can currently share their channels using a link, the platform is now adding more advanced sharing options, including the ability to generate QR codes.
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WhatsApp Beta Testers Get Access to QR Codes
According to reports from WABetaInfo, beta testers have started receiving access to the new QR code generation tool in WhatsApp beta version for Android. Although this feature was spotted in an earlier beta version ( last month, it wasn't available to a broad group of testers at the time. However, the feature is now being rolled out to a larger user base.
Though some users, including the writer of the report, still don't see the QR code option in the latest beta version (v2.24.25.12), its continued development suggests that it could be launched in the stable version soon. The feature has also been seen in the iOS version of WhatsApp beta, indicating that it will likely be available to all users in the near future. The exact timeline for the feature's release remains unclear, but its arrival seems imminent.
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Recent WhatsApp Updates
In addition to improvements to Channel sharing, recent WhatsApp beta updates have focused on enhancing media sharing. A recent beta introduced a new Gallery option in the chat text box, replacing the Camera shortcut. Another update further refined this feature by adding both the Camera and Gallery shortcuts. The stable version of WhatsApp has also introduced new tools such as the Lists feature, which helps users organize conversations with presets and custom filters. This month, WhatsApp also launched voice transcriptions, marking a busy period for the app.