Motorola has announced the launch of the open beta for moto AI — the suite of artificial intelligence (AI) features for its devices. It is available on select Motorola smartphones including its latest Razr and Edge series handsets. Users can sign up for the open beta program and experiment with features such as message and call summaries, note taking tools, and a screenshots feature which works along the same lines as Google's Pixel Screenshots app.

Moto AI Open Beta Eligible Devices

Motorola says its moto AI open beta is globally available for the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra, Razr 50, and the Edge 50 Ultra as an opt-in initiative. It currently supports English, Portuguese, and Spanish languages. The company says users will receive a notification on their devices to sign up for the program. Alternatively, they can navigate to the brand's official website and register for it.

Once completed, they will be prompted to install the moto AI app from the Google Play Store and join the beta program. Then, swiping up from the home screen on the Motorola smartphone will toggle the AI ​​experience.

Moto AI Open Beta Features

According to Motorola, its AI suite brings three key features — Catch Me Up, Pay Attention,and Remember thisThe first feature provides summaries of the messages and calls, eliminating the need to go through each notification. Meanwhile, Pay Attention Commences an audio recording with additional transcription and summarization capabilities.

The last feature available as part of the moto AI open beta is Remember thisIt enables users to save key information from screenshots, photos, and notes. This information, along with recordings from the Pay Attention feature, is saved in Motorola's Journal app. Further, it can also organize, transcribe, and summarize content leveraging AI.

The company says users can submit feedback using the Share Feedback tile from the device's quick settings panel. They can also leave the open beta program by uninstalling the moto AI app from their smartphone. It will remove all beta software from the device with the exception of the Journal app.

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