Google's Quantum Computing Lab recently achieved a major milestone. on monday, The company disclosed Its new quantum computing chip, Willow, is able to complete the computing challenge in less than five minutes – Google says the process would take one of the world's fastest supercomputers by 10 septillion years, or the age of the universe. It will take more time.
Along with more powerful performance, the researchers also found a way to reduce errors, which Google calls “one of the biggest challenges in quantum computing.” Instead of bits, which represent 1 or 0, quantum computing uses qubits, An entity that can exist in multiple states at the same time, like 1, 0, and anything in between.
As Google notes, qubits are prone to errors because they “tend to rapidly exchange information with their environment.” However, Google researchers found a way to reduce the errors by introducing more qubits into the system and were able to correct them in real time. His conclusions were published in Nature,
“This landmark achievement is known in the field as 'below the limit' – being able to minimize errors while increasing the number of qubits,” Hartmut Neven, founder of Google Quantum AI, writes on Google's blog. “To show real progress on error correction you have to demonstrate being below the threshold, and that has been an excellent challenge since quantum error correction “Introduced by Peter Shor in 1995.”
Willow, which has 105 qubits, “now performs best in class”, according to Neven. Microsoft, AmazonAnd IBM Working on their own quantum computing system.
Google's next goal is to perform the first “useful, beyond the classical” calculations that are “relevant to a real-world application” and that ordinary computers cannot achieve. Moving forward, Neven says quantum technology will be “indispensable” for collecting AI training data, ultimately “discovering new medicines, designing more efficient batteries for electric cars, and accelerating progress in fusion and new energy options.” Will help in getting it.