Meta has announced The V72 Quest updates, and it's packed with features like faster hand tracking, an easier way to pair your headset with a Windows 11 PC, and better support for showing your keyboard while you're in full virtual reality. The update is being rolled out gradually, including some exclusive features, so you may not be able to use them right away.
Meta says you can now connect to a paired PC with the Quest's Remote Desktop feature by simply looking at it and tapping the “Connect” button that appears above your keyboard. This is similar to how it works on Vision Pro, but here, you'll need mixed reality link app Before you can pair the devices together, your Quest headset's Settings app needs to be installed on your computer. The feature requires Windows 11 22H2 and newer.
Additionally, in the Quest v72, the company says it is “introducing a more general keyboard tracking system” that, similar to the Vision Pro, will detect any keyboard nearby when you're in a virtual environment and pass it through. Will allow it to be displayed through “Window”. , The Quest headset has a feature that shows a virtual version of your keyboard where your real keyboard is. from 2021But it only works with specific keyboards.
Meta also says it has made the hand cursor more stable when navigating, when pinching to select things, and when pinching and dragging windows. The company also says it's now easier to use your hands in confined spaces and has added “Hand Ray Visualization” to help find and target things with the cursor.
There's more in the update, including new Live Captions for calls from the People app and the addition of direct messaging to the Instagram app. Meta has also added a media gallery app for viewing your images, videos (spatial included) and screenshots.