Noise, the Indian smart wearables brand backed by Bose, will showcase its products at the Consumer Electronics Show 2025 (CES 2025), which is slated to start on January 7 and last till January 10. This will be the first time that the company will make an appearance at the trade show. The company has announced that it will unveil and display a host of its electronic products, all of which are said to be made in India. These items are teased to include new flagship-level audio wearables.
Noise CES 2025 Showcase
The company confirmed in a press release that its CES 2025 showcase will include the Gen 2 version of the Luna Ring, the Noise ColorFit Pro 5 smartwatch, and the NoiseFit Origin. Aside from these existing items, Noise has also confirmed that it will unveil upcoming TWS earphones that are said to be “flagship level,” as well as “upcoming flagship smartwatches.”
Noise' Luna Ring is claimed to track over 70 body metrics including stress levels, sleep and menstrual cycles. The AI-backed smart ring launched in India at Rs. 18,999, and is offered in Lunar Black, Midnight Black, Rose Gold, Stardust Silver, and Sunlit Gold colourways. The battery life is said to last for up to seven days on a single charge.
The NoiseFit Origin smartwatch was launched in India in June at a price of Rs. 6,499. Powered by an EN1 chipset, it has a circular 1.46-inch AMOLED screen with 466 x 466 pixels resolution and 600 nits of peak brightness and runs on Nebula UI. It has 3ATM water resistance and is claimed to offer a battery life of up to seven days.
Meanwhile, the Noise ColorFit Pro 5 was unveiled in India alongside the Noise ColorFit Pro 5 Max. The Pro 5 model is said to provide a usage time of up to seven days and sports a 1.85-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 390 x 450 pixels. The base version launched at Rs. 3,999, while the Elite edition is marked at Rs. 4,999.