The blockbuster Telugu film Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun, has emerged as one of the highest-grossing Indian films of 2024. Released on December 5, the sequel has reportedly surpassed Rs. 1,500 crore globally, including over Rs. 1,000 crore gross in India. Despite rumors regarding its digital release, the producers, Mythri Movie Makers, have confirmed the movie will remain exclusive to theaters for at least 56 days i.e. eight weeks from its release. The first movie also had a great impact over box office and audiences making viewers more excited about the second installment of the franchise.

When and Where to Watch Pushpa 2: The Rule

The film will not be available on any OTT platform before the end of January 2025. As per the official information shared by Mythri Movie Makers, that the movie would continue to run in theaters during the festive season. Reports suggest Netflix is ​​the official OTT partner, but streaming will likely commence after January 29, 2025, maintaining the focus on its theatrical run.

Official Trailer and Plot of Pushpa 2: The Rule

The official trailer showcases Allu Arjun reprising his role as Pushparaj, delivering high-octane action sequences and intense drama. Directed by Sukumar, the plot delves deeper into Pushparaj's rise in the smuggling world, alongside Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil. With its captivating storyline, gripping performances, and music by Devi Sri Prasad and Sam CS, the sequel builds on the legacy of Pushpa: The Rise.

Cast and Crew of Pushpa 2: The Rule

The film features Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil in pivotal roles. Directed by Sukumar, the production is backed by Mythri Movie Makers. The film's score is a collaboration between Devi Sri Prasad and Sam CS.

Reception of Pushpa 2: The Rule

The movie has shattered several records, becoming the fastest Indian film to reach the ₹1500 crore mark worldwide. With a strong 17-day run at the box office, the film continues to attract audiences during the holiday season. It remains one of the most successful releases of the year.

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