Some dull users are finding out that their notifications are not visible on the platform this morning, or that their related messages are more difficult than normal. Some of my colleagues are reporting similar issues Carry 'S Slack Channel, and I am getting frequent information for thread messages I have already read. Issues are also affecting tags for other users – if a colleague has not responded to your pinges, then they directly DM.

Slack is aware that “information may disappear for some users” and Logated in an incident report ET at 7:52 am today, later confirming that the issue is affecting the threads. Slack announced on its status page, “We are currently investigating the issue and when we have more information, we will come back.” “We are sorry for any obstruction in your day.”

It is not clear what is the cause of interruption in information or how so dull users have been affected. there is A visible spike on the dowtectorBut very few reports have been logged.

For yourself, at least, some information is coming, but several minutes after a message is sent. By 10:10 pm, Slack said that “other information should work expected, but threads may not load correctly.” Also A separate note logged Some users are having trouble adding new members to multi-tradition DM (group chat for nine people).

Update, 27 January: More updates were added to slack.

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