On 6 February 2021, 26 -year -old Yale Graduate Student and former Army National Guardman Kevin Jiang spent the day with his fiancée Sion Perry, who was also a graduate student there. The couple went on hiking and fishing in the snow, followed by a dinner at her house in the rich East Rock section of New Haven. Police say that at around 8:30 pm, Jiang left his apartment and went to his house with Priyas, where he lived with his mother.
He barely moved two blocks that his car was hit by a dark SUV from behind, which looked like a minor fender bend. Police believe that he got out of his car, possibly to check what the second driver was and would exchange information. Instead, another motor driver Jiang shot eight times – Many bullets were shot so close to his head that the explosive gunpowder left marks of burning on his face.
Jewid Ziveski spoke to “48 hours” correspondent Anne-Mary Green for a completely new story of this week, the major murder of Jiang's murder, “The Ivy League Murder,” On Saturday, January 25 at 10/9 am, broadcasting on CBS and streaming on paramount+.
Ziveski said that a witness told the investigators that he heard the sound of a minor fender bend, looked out of the window, heard the sound of bullets and saw the glow of the snout with a weapon. And another witness said that he not only heard the sound of bullets, but he also saw the shooter – who was fully wearing black clothes – was standing near his fallen prey, and even after falling down on him Was firing bullets. The detectives later found a dreadful domestic surveillance video in which Kevin's last moments were virtually captured, which confirms the statements of the witnesses.
But the fact that deepened the mystery was that Jiang had eight destroyed shell shells. 45 Caliber tablets were found in the area. Were equal.
According to the police, a gunman fired. 45 caliber bullets in four houses in the last several months. In those cases, no one was hurt. Investigators questioned the owners of the house but could not find any connection between them.
At first glance, Jiang's murder received all indications of the violent case of road rage. But Zavesky and his colleague Steven Cunningham immediately started surprising whether there is anything else.
“It seems a little more individual,” Zavesky told Green. “When you have a person lying on the ground and is not moving, what will be the reason for someone to continue firing?”
Cunningham questioned the car accident. “Was it deliberately done to get him out of the vehicle? Probably something such a plan was made?” He said.
“And if he was specially targeted,” Zavesky further said, “What would have happened in his life that would inspire someone to do so?”
It was a logical investigative way to pursue it, but after giving sad news to Jiang's mother and her fiancé, investigators say that the picture of Kevin came out was of a talented young man who has no enemy in the world. Could have done. He was living with his mother and taking care of her, which he brought from Seattle to live with him. He voluntarily worked with the homeless, he was highly religious and the US Army was a former lieutenant in the National Guard. Exactly a week ago he proposed to Perry, which he posted on Facebook on his meeting in a Christian retreat.
Pastor Gregory Hendricson presented a summary of the newly married young couple for Green. “He clearly shared a lot,” he started. “They both loved nature. Sion was a scientist studying molecular biofizics and biochemistry … he was in the environment school. They are both talented and hardworking students,” he said, “and yet He did not feel like his achievements have defined him at the deepest level. “
Ziveski and Cunningham knew that they would face a tough investigation. Jiang's assassination may be another contingent firing by the mysterious .45 Caliber gunman. Whatever the shooting is, he is still absconding.
Ziveski said, “The suspect was out of there.” “He could not be identified. We did not know where he went … and we did not know what he would do next.”
Some clues of chase and monitoring footage on the scene from a dark image of a dark SUV, they knew that they would possibly need a break. And they found one of the next day when they received a necessary call from Sergeant. Jeffrey Mills of nearby North Heaven Police. He provided them with shocking information about two separate 911 calls.
The first incident occurred about half an hour after Jiang's murder. He said, a motor driver was trapped on a desolate ice -covered railway track outside the scrap metal yard, in which he went by accidentally, while he was looking for the entrance to the nearby highway. motor driver, Kinxuan panMellden was from Massachusetts. His record was clear, and he was calm by making an excuse that Mills had earlier heard from others who were lost near the scrap yard. Therefore, he helped PAN get a tow and a nearby hotel room. At that time, Mills were unaware that there was a murder in New Heaven.
Quinksuan PAN/Facebook
But about 15 hours later, at 11 am on 7 February, Mills responded to another 911 call in Arbies, where employees found a bag with a gun and a box of .45 caliber tablets. Arbies was next to the Best Western Hotel where the pan was taken. And by then he had come to know that Kevin Jiang has been murdered by someone running a dark SUV like PAN. Then he reached the New Haven murder case.
It was discovered that PAN had checked in the hotel but never stopped there. And when Ziveski sent the detectives to Malden, where Pan Massachusetts went to the Institute of Technology (MIT) and stayed with his parents – no one was at home.
Zavesky turned to his computer to search for PAN in the hope of finding a relationship with Jiang. “We will use Facebook as a tool to learn a person's background, whom he is friends.” But there was no relation with Jiang.
“And so, you are going down in the list of names,” Green says, “nothing, nothing, and then you say, 'Wow.”
“There is our relationship,” Ziveski responds. The connection was Zion Perry, who was listed as a friend of PAN. She and PAN met each other in a Christian group when Perry was a graduate in MIT. And although Perry was barely acquainted with PAN and did not communicate with her since she had left the MIT and left for New Heaven to attend Yale, the human murder detectives felt that they had more than a break. He had a possible suspect who was missing from his home. And a possible purpose: passion for peri.
Zivesky said, “It seems that there was a secret passion of the pan behind the curtain, which Kevin did not know, and Seion was not aware of it.” Finally, Jiang was murdered exactly a week after Perry posted the previous pictures of his engagement on Facebook.
Investigators believe that PAN was also responsible for four.45 caliber firing and the firing was part of a pre -planned plan. He gave the principle that the firing was done to mislead him when Jiang was eventually killed, so that he felt that his death was just a random incident.
Cunningham said, “He had planned it.” And he knew that we would consider these other things as well. “
Ziveski said, “It was not a accidental incident.” “He was targeted.”
Now, his murder investigation, and their talented, technology-loving MIT fugitives have begun on a large scale. US Marshals joined the case and came to know that Pan's family had assets worth millions of dollars. The pan was missing, and he was worried that he would be trying to escape from the country. There was pressure.
The US Marshal Joe Galvan told “48 hours”, “It became such a high profile.” “It had increased even more.”
Marshalas collected their huge resources to track the pan. He noticed that PAN's parents had withdrawn a large amount of cash, and soon after the murder, he went on a long journey south with his son. When the parents were stopped in Georgia, they were in the car, but their son was gone. He said that he just got out of the car and went, and he did not know where he went. Investigators suspected.
“They will go to the end of the earth to help and hide it,” said Matthew Dafi, supervisor at the US Marshals Fusitive Task Force to the Connecticut. Marshalas focus on parents as their way of finding PAN. They knew that he would have to be patient to find him as he used all his monitoring techniques to monitor the family.
Week passed, but eventually, his patience responded. Pan's mother finally made a mistake that Marshall directly reached her son. He called a hotel using a clerk's phone. The investigators talked to the clerk and were able to track the call from which they reached PAN location in a boarding house in Alabama.
Dafi said, “They went there with a small army.” “About 20 people … he came out and said,” I am what you are looking for. ”
At the time of arrest, PAN had about $ 20,000 cash, several communication equipment and his father's passport. it was Was accused With Jiang's murder, an argument was accepted and 35 years in jail in April 2024.
PAN's parents were never accused. “48 hours” contacted Pans, but did not respond to our request for comment.
Investigators believe that if the pan was not trapped on the train tracks on that horrific night of February, Jiang's murder would never be solved.
“Could he escape by killing?” Green asked Ziveski.
“He could do very well,” Zavesky replied. “If he is not trapped on those tracks … it would have been very difficult.”
Although the investigators, friends and family were relieved that PAN was caught and brought to the dock of justice, Jiang's mother while talking about PAN's sentence said that he felt that 35 years sentence was very less for that man for that man. Is who killed his only son.
Perry agreed. “I wanted to address PAN exclusively,” she said while sentencing. “Although your punishment is much less than you worth … God also have mercy. And he should have mercy on all of us.”
Four years after Jiang's death, friends wonder what Kevin, a deep faith person, would have thought about his killer.
“Do you think Kevin would have forgiven PAN?” Green asked Jamila Ayeh and Nasya Habbard, who worked with Jiang in the army.
“Yes, I do,” said Hubard. Added to Ayeh, “without any doubt.”