Bharti Airtel has announced a collaboration with the streaming platform Zee5. All customers with Airtel Wi-Fi plans in India, starting from Rs. 699, will get free access to all Zee5 content for the duration of the plan. The OTT platform claims to offer over 1.5 lakh hours of content. For comparison, Reliance Jio offers free Zee5 subscriptions to postpaid Wi-Fi plan users starting from Rs. 599. The Airtel Broadband users, already have access to Disney+ Hotstar, Netflix, and more such streaming websites, depending on the plan.
Free Zee5 Subscription For Airtel Broadband Users
Airtel has recently declared that it has entered into a collaboration with Zee5 to offer all its available content for free to Airtel Wi-Fi plan customers starting at Rs. 699. The offer is available on Rs. 899, Rs. 1,099, Rs. 1,599, and Rs. 3,999 plans.
Customers with the Rs. 699 and Rs. 899 plans also get free Disney+ Hotstar access, while the Rs. 1,099 plan users can enjoy free Amazon Prime access. The higher Rs 1,599 and Rs 3,999 Airtel Wi-Fi plans also include free access to Netflix. All plans include free subscriptions to over 20 other OTT platforms.
Aside from free access to several OTT platforms, these Airtel Wi-Fi plans offer users speeds ranging from up to 40Mbps to 1Gbps and allow them to watch more than 350 HD and SD TV channels. Customers can avail of the plans from the Airtel Thanks app on their smartphones or the Airtel India. website,
The telecom operator confirmed that with this partnership with Zee5, Airtel Broadband customers can get access to popular films like Sam Bahadur, RRR, Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai, Manorathangal, Vikkatakavi, and others. The free access will allow users to watch all original shows, OTT movies, TV series and all other content on the platform.