Amazon has announced its first-ever Black Friday Sale in India which went live at midnight November 28. During the sale period, customers can avail of exciting discounts on a wide range of items such as smartphones, TVs, home appliances, gaming consoles, fashion. and beauty products, and more. Further, the e-commerce platform has partnered with several leading banks to offer instant discounts and cashback on transactions made with credit and debit cards. The Amazon Black Friday Sale ends on December 2.

Amazon Black Friday Sale 2024

During the Amazon Black Friday Sale, one of the most notable deals is on the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G. The handset usually retails for Rs. 1,24,999 but can be purchased for as low as Rs. 74,999 during this period. The e-commerce giant has rolled out offers on smartphones from leading brands such as Apple, iQOO, OnePlus, Realme, Redmi, and Tecno, with discounts of up to 40 percent.

Another notable deal is available on the Apple MacBook Air (M1, 2020). The laptop has a list price of Rs. 89,900 but is currently listed for Rs. 59,990 on the e-commerce platform.

Buyers can get home appliances and smart TVs with up to 65 percent off. The PlayStation 5 has a flat discount of Rs. 7,500, while products from Amazon brands can be purchased with a minimum 50 percent price reduction during the Black Friday Sale. The sale also offers a minimum 50 percent discount on premium kitchen appliances such as robot vacuum cleaners, and up to 25 percent off on Amazon Alexa and Fire TV devices.

In addition to price cuts, Amazon says buyers can also take advantage of an instant discount on up to 10 percent with select debit and credit cards from leading banks such as Bank of Baroda, ICICI Bank, IDFC First Bank, and OneCard. Amazon Prime members can get a flat 5 percent cashback on transactions carried out with Amazon co-branded cards.

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