Apple iOS 18.2 launched on Wednesday, bringing new Apple Intelligence features for iPhone users. The latest mobile operating system introduces some widely anticipated AI-powered functions from the iPhone maker that were not included in previous software updates.
The upgrade includes improvements to the phone's camera, photos and mail apps.
How to download iOS 18.2
The new operating system is available to the general public with iPhones capable of running iOS 18. However, among those with older iPhone models, only iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPhone 16 users can access the Apple Intelligence features that are part of the iOS 18.2 update.
To download Apple's latest mobile software, go to Settings on your iPhone, then General, then Software Update to download iOS 18.2. The software is available in beta mode only.
What's new?
The new update adds Apple Intelligence tools like Image Playground, Genmoji, and more.
Image Playground is described by Apple as a tool that lets users create “fun, playful images in a variety of styles” using photos on their Camera Roll. Genmoji lets users create custom emoji. Additionally, a new tool called Image Wand can convert sketches or handwritten notes into typed memos.
ChatGPT support, another new feature of iOS 18.2, gives users direct access to ChatGPT through both Siri and writing tools.
Apple Intelligence also powers other new features in the update. For example, users can now point their cameras at buildings, objects, and even businesses, and Apple Visual Intelligence will provide information about what the camera sees.
In the advanced mail app, users' messages are sorted into categories for easy digest.
Apple said, there is still more to come announcement of New features. The tech giant said that the AI-powered features to be released in the coming months will be tailored to the preferences of users.