Apple launched iPad Pro with a new M4 chip and slimmer bezels in May this year. The Cupertino-based tech giant is believed to update the iPad Pro next year with a new generation chip. Most recently, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that the iPad Pro powered by an unannounced M5 chip will become available to customers in the fall of 2025. Apple has historically updated its iPad Pro line about every 18 months. The last generation iPad Pro (2022) models with the Apple M2 processor were launched in October 2022.

iPad Pro With M5 Chip Launch

In a medium postMing-Chi Kuo shared his expectations about the launch of the M5-powered iPad Pro. He states that mass production of the iPad Pro with M5 will begin in the second half of 2025.

“The iPad Pro equipped with the M5 processor is expected to enter mass production in 2H25. The company's business momentum in 2H25 is anticipated to benefit significantly from Apple's new product launches” he wrote. This suggests that the M5 iPad Pro will go on sale in the fall of next year or about 18 months after the release of the M4 model.

Bloomberg's Mark Gurman had made similar claims in October. He said that the M5-powered iPad Pro won't be launched until late 2025 or the first half of 2026. Apple currently follows a 1.5-year gap between iPad Pro launches and Kuo's revelation suggests that this will continue.

The iPad Pro was last updated in May of this year with an M4 chip, slimmer bezels, up to 2TB of storage, and iPadOS 17 operating system. It came with a starting price tag of Rs. 99,900 for the base model with an 11-inch screen and Wi-Fi connectivity, while the 13-inch model was priced at Rs. ₹1,29,900 for the Wi-Fi variant.

iPad Pro features an Ultra Retina XDR display and supports Apple Pencil Pro and redesigned Magic Keyboard. It features a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle TrueDepth camera on the front and a 12-megapixel rear camera as well as a LiDAR scanner.

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