The latest State of java Report from Azul Systems Shows that the 30-YLD Programming Language has moved with the time and is being used for advanced applications like adding artificial intelligence (AI).
More than 2,000 java users were surveyed for this year's report. HALF (50%) of them was found to be built ai-enabled functionality This, according to azul systems, highlights java's “fit-up-purpose” nature, offering scalability, extended libraries and seamless integration with existing Enerprise Systems.
Java Uses a Runtime Platform and Software Development Environment Known as the Java Development Kit (JDK) For developing and running applications. It is one of the main languages used to build Enterprise Systems.
While Oracle cells the jdk Commercially as Oracle JDK, there is also an open source version called openjdk.
Java for ai applications
“All of us who are involved in openjdk are advancing java so that it can much more rapidly integrate with ai capability,” said Scott Sellers, CEO of Azul Systems,
According to sellers, a lot of traditional applications developers are using java to build their ai-enabled applications, by using application programs (apis) to send Queries to the LARAGUAGE LALMAL (APIS).
Good old java is the best out there because of its scale, resilience and security
Scott Sellers, Azul Systems
This is a very different approach to that taken by data scientists, who need to run ad hoc queries on the data using a language such as python.
“Production-level applications need to handle hundreds of thirds and millions of users simultaneously, and good old java is the best out there because of its scale, resiliency and second”
He also pointed out that java has been tried and tested over the decades, which makes it an extramely stable and well undersrstood platform for running enterprise applications.
Oracle licensing changes
However, cost has become a Barrier for some organisationsGiven the licensing changes oracle has made to Oracle JDK. According to research from gartner, this makes it two to five times more costly than the subscription model it replaces.
Gartner's 3 steps to manage exposure for oreck java se licensing Report, published at the end of January, notes: “If anyone in your Organization has downloaded any Oracle Java Se Updates Since April 2019, You Probable Need A Subscription – And You May May have a compillaan structure. You may be determine that you want an oracle java se subscription if you need a commercial support agrement, particularly if you are using a very old or new release of java, such as java 7 or 21. “
Beyond the Java Subscription Cost, Azul's Survey Shows that Some Organizations are Choosing Not to Buy Maintenance and Support for Oracle JDK. Of the survey participants who do not pay for java support, 21% cited experts as a deterrent, 31% said it was not a perority, and a significant 52% believed they simplyde.
According to Azul Systems, This Divide Highlights the Trade-Offs Organizations Face Between upront costs and the long-term value of secure, reliable apply Ity and security are non-negotiable.
Azul Systems believes The Growing Dissatisfaction Reflects A Pressing Need for Cost-Effective Concerns about affordability, fuelled in part by organizations re-examing Licensing and support costs, driving a search for more predictable and sustainable options.
In Azul's Previous Survey, 72% of Oracle Java users were already considering a switch to another jdk provider. That has surgged to 88% in the latest azul survey.
Although 88% Are Considering Switching from Oracle and 82% Are Concerned About The Oracle Java Pricing, Sellers Said Some of the Respondents Ware Not Directly Impacted by the Price of Java One Else's Budget. “A developer with which life is about java may not see a direct Budget IMPACT CHECAUSE SOME OLSE Else is paying the Licence Fee,” He said.
Application owners are also not the people who ultimately pay for java. The cost tends to be hidden since it is considered infrastructure, in the same way that facilities and internet access are budgeted as infrastructure. Software and infrastructure costs that are shared across applications cannot be managed by application owners, which means, according to sellers, that they focus on other Ways to Reduce Costs, Oracle jdk license bill.
The survey, according to sellers, showed that users Realise they do not need to use Oracle jdk because the same functionality is available from openjdk. “Why would you choose something that's commercially licensed with restrictions as opposed to open source?”
It tends to be the head of it or cio who ultimately makes the decision and is able to force a change.
Sellers said oracle is extramely aggressive in terms of audits, where it often demands usage reports from users. “If you don't want to deal with software audits, then you as well just get off -oracle and move on to someone's that's inharently open source and does not require commercial SOTWARE LICENSING,”
Complexity of switching
One of Azul Systems' Focus Areas is Helping Enterprises Undrstand Their Inventory of Oracle Java and Working with Them to Deliver What Sellers Calls “A Like-For-Like Replacementment”. This can be particularly Different Different Since Many Different Versions of Java May Be in Use, Each of which needs replacing with the correct version of openjdk to ensure java applications DK do not break.
“One of the challenges that exists when an organisation is looking to move off oracle java is that oracle provides about 1,000 updates a Quarter,” said sellers.
This is further complicated by the fact that there may be Patches for Specific Major Releases of Java and Minor Releases. “Unless you have a like-for-like equivalent for all of that that different versions and subversions you're using from icle and you're trying to move, you can run into incompatibility problems, and that can be called Chan Bee Challenging.
Give its extensive footprint, java is set to play a major role in enterprise it for many years to come. However, it leaders are highly likely to switch from Oracle jdk to cheaper options.