Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan's Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, directed by Anees Bazmee, is poised to make its OTT debut after a successful run at the box office. Released during Diwali, the horror-comedy amassed significant attention, earning Rs. 388.9 crores globally on a budget of Rs. 150 crores. The film has been appreciated for its engaging storyline and stellar performances, despite mixed reviews. Joining the 200-crore club within 19 days of its release, the film continues to make waves. Reports suggest that the OTT release, initially planned for December, is now scheduled for January on Netflix.
When and Where to Watch Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3
The third installment of the popular franchise is reported to premiere on Netflix. Initially expected in December, multiple reports suggest that the movie might get its OTT release in January 2025. Fans who missed its theatrical run or wish to revisit the chilling antics of Rooh Baba can soon enjoy the film from the comfort of their homes.
Official Trailer and Plot of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3
The official trailer of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 teased a gripping mix of horror and comedy, carrying forward the legacy of the franchise. Kartik Aaryan reprized his role as Rooh Baba, navigating a series of supernatural events. The franchise introduced Tripti Dimri as the female lead along with a peek of the stunning acting and dance performance from the OG Manjulika Vidya Balan and joining her was India's favorite dancing diva, Madhuri Dixit. The trailer hinted that there can be more than one Manjulika, and no one knows who is she! Set against this mysterious backdrop, the film introduces new twists and characters, keeping viewers on edge.
Cast and Crew of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3
The film stars Kartik Aaryan in the lead role, alongside Triptii Dimri, Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit Rajpal Yadav and Vijay Verma and. Directed by Anees Bazmee and produced with a lavish budget, the film combines fresh faces with returning favourites, ensuring a balanced mix of nostalgia and novelty.
Reception of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 garnered Rs. 388.9 crores globally, securing its status as a box-office hit. The movie has an IMDb rating of 5.2/10.