California loves Electric cars. More than 2.1 million battery-powered vehicles are driving around the state, and the final fall, more than a quarter of new cars were sold. ElectricLaw manufacturers are trying to ensure that the future is even more. In December, California The US government received special permission to implement the rules for which vehicle manufacturers would need to sell only zero-furnaces new vehicles in the state. By 2035,

Permission as a federal “discount”, should expand well beyond the boundaries of California. Seventeen other states have stated that they will follow California's leadership on strict emission standards, targeting 11 2035 gas car phase-outs with 11. Together, responsible for these states More than 40 percent US new light-duty vehicle registration.

Or maybe not. Last week, a widely executive Order Targeted Green energy policiesThe Trump administration said that it will try to “finish” state emissions “to limit the sales of gasoline-managed automobiles.” Order, at this point More political message document Anything with the force of law puts California's clean car goals in Crosshare of Trump Administration. Anyone who wins this battle can not only determine the future of electric vehicles in the US, but can increase the number of both sold and made in the country.

The Trump administration has not yet moved to officially cancel the discount, but California says it will not back down from its more rigorous vehicle emission standards. “California will continue to protect its long -term rights and obligations to protect the health of its residents,” the Emission Regulation Agency of California, the Chairman of the Air Resource Board, the Air Resource Board wrote in a statement.

Old fight

If all this seems familiar, then this is because the country has already happened in this way.

California exemption is from 1967, when Congress MPs decided to create a special California exemption within the national air regulations, because the state had such a prickly air pollution problem, and because it was leading in regulation, and more Used to create his own vehicle emission rules for. For a decade. Since then, California has applied for more than 100 discounts.

In 2019, President Donald Trump announced by tweet that his administration would cancel California exemption, allowing it to determine its auto emission standards. The move, he said, Auto will increase security and create “Jobs Jobs Jobs”. But even the first Trump administration went to withdraw the exemption of California, state MPs A deal with four global vehicle manufacturers-Ford, Volkswagen, Honda, and BMW – to preserve some auto emission standards.

The automakers were ready to come to the table with California six years ago, as they feared a market in which they would have to make two vehicles-California-And-Itilies-A cleaner fleet for the market, and the rest of the country Another for.

The California market is quite large that even the vehicle manufacturers with headquarters away from the US are focusing on how it shakes. The aggressive stance of the state towards climate regulation will require vehicle manufacturers to lag behind electrification for race to catch. For example, Toyota has argued that consumers are not ready for battery electrix, and have followed a strategy that has seen the automaker Braining more hybrid And plug-in hybrid vehicle. Last year, Toyota Motor is an executive for North America Said California's rules “seem impossible.” But to keep those rules, Toyota will need to invest more in getting electric vehicles on the road.

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