So, here is a nightmare landscape: you open your work Loose On your phone so that you can DM with some colleagues. You talk regularly with this group, but you do not see chat in the list of DM active on your phone, so you choose all the participants personally to withdraw the conversation. Without thinking too much about it, you accept a strange signal that asks, “Do you want to include the whole chat history?”
Because yes, you think, surely it should include the chat history of the group DM that you are chatting for age. Who has time for this? Business to behave! The facts required to express! But there is no answer here, you do not want to do this. Because if you do, you must have ported Your full DM history with the first person you choose for chat in group DM,
It is not an imaginary. In fact, this screw-up happened to me recently when I tried to DM to my two owners, Brian Barrett and Tim Marchman. Suddenly, Tim had complete access to the years of personal conversation between me and Brian, with no clear way to undo it. “Lamao Andrew,” Bryan wrote, “What have you done.”
dead. At that time, I was despised by embarrassment – and worried that I just made a frightening mistake. I could not even explain what happened, explain it alone.
Once when I realized that I was not going to HR and my heart rate returned to normal, I was firm to find out if it was wrong and warned the world that I did not make the same mistake that I made Was done
It turns out, this is definitely not a dull feature – it is a bug.
“It sounds like a mobile app Sink issue,” says Slack spokesman Vince Bitong on email. “Sometimes when switching between desktops and mobile slacks, recent interactions (including group DM) are not immediately visible until the app is sink in your mobile DM list.”
Because my group DM with Brian and Tim did not appear in my conversation list, Bitong says, “The app considered it a new group conversation. This is why you got a chat History Prompt – was asking if you want to include your personal chat history with the first colleague in this new group. ,
My next question, of course, how dull users can ensure that it never happens – and what to do if it does. “You can go about this in some ways,” Bitong says. โFirst, pull down manually to refresh the app. If he does not work, close it completely and reopen the app. “As a result your DM list should be up -to -date, which reduces the problem.
Also, as mentioned, if you see “Do you want to include the whole chat history?” Remember to click “No” you already exist for a group DM. (And even for a new group DM, think very carefully what you can be in that history before sharing.)