In the nearly six-minute trailer, audiences are introduced to Ciri, the adopted daughter of Geralt of Rivia, as she takes up a wizard's contract in a remote village that has been haunted for generations by a terrifying monster that demands human sacrifice. Is terrified. Designed as a concise, self-contained Witcher In the story, the trailer showcases Ciri's new abilities and equipment, including a chainsaw and advanced magical powers.
At the heart of the trailer is Giri's perspective as an outsider to the village. As the villagers say goodbye to one of their own – a young girl whom they are preparing for a traditional ritual sacrifice – Ciri chooses to intervene. Aiming to kill the beast and save the girl at the same time, Ciri finds herself battling the prejudices and superstitions of the people she tries to save, causing her to face a painful witchcraft lesson: Demons come in all forms.