Apple is reportedly planning to launch the entry-level iPad 11 early next year. As per the report, the company could introduce the new iPad around the same time when it releases the iPadOS 18.3 update. The new report differs from previous reports claiming that the standard iPad model could arrive in March 2025. Notably, the Cupertino-based tech giant upgraded all the other models of its tablet, including the iPad Air, iPad Mini, and iPad Pro, in 2024. .

Apple to Reportly Launch iPad 11 Early 2025

According to a 9to5Mac reportsThe iPad 11, the entry-level model of the company's tablet, could launch early next year. Citing an unnamed tipster, the publication claimed that the launch could occur roughly around the same time when the iPadOS 18.3 update will be released to the public. Notably, the first iPadOS 18.3 beta for developers was released last week.

The report did not share much information on what people can expect from the new iPad. However, it mentioned that the iPad 11 could be equipped with Apple's in-house modem that can handle Wi-Fi and 5G connectivity. However, some reports have claimed that it could also be equipped with the A17 Pro chipset.

However, this report differs from an earlier reports by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who claimed that the iPad 11 could be launched in March 2025. Instead, the new report pitches the launch date somewhere in late January 2025. The new tablet is also rumored to offer the Apple Intelligence features, which the tech giant first rolled out in December.

Separately, the report claimed that Apple has been working on an iPad model with the A14 chipset, the same processor which powers the current iPad 10. However, it is now said that the iPad model was just a prototype to test the company's new modem, and it will not feature on the iPad 11.

Notably, the iPad Mini (2024) features an 8.3-inch (1,488×2,266 pixels) Liquid Retina display, the A17 Pro chipset, and comes in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage variants. It also sports a 12-megapixel wide-angle camera with an f/1.8 aperture, with autofocus and Smart HDR 4 support. It has Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 for connectivity, while the cellular models also offer 5G, 4G LTE, and GPS support.

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