Itel Zeno 10 was launched in India on Thursday as the latest entry-level smartphone from the Chinese smartphone brand. It runs on an octa-core chipset with up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The handset offers a RAM expansion feature as well. The Itel Zeno 10 comes in two color options with an 8-megapixel rear camera setup. It packs a 5,000mAh battery. The Itel Zeno 10 has a Dynamic Bar feature that displays notifications around the front camera cutout.
Itel Zeno 10 Price
The Itel Zeno 10 is priced at Rs. 5,999 for the 3GB RAM + 64GB storage variant and Rs. ₹6,499 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage version. It is available for purchase in the country exclusively through Amazon. It is offered in Phantom Crystal and Opal Purple color options. As an introductory offer, Amazon is providing a Rs. Rs.500 instant cashback for all transactions.
Itel Zeno 10 Specifications
The dual SIM Itel Zeno 10 runs on Android 14 and features a 6.56-inch HD+ IPS display with 60Hz refresh rate. Like recent Itel smartphones, it gets a Dynamic Bar feature that shows notifications like battery charging details and incoming call alerts around the selfie camera cutout. It runs on an unspecified octa-core chipset with 3GB and 4GB RAM options. The onboard RAM can be expanded up to 8GB with additional unused storage. It has 64GB of onboard storage.
For optics, the Itel Zeno 10 has an AI-backed dual rear camera setup comprising an 8-megapixel main sensor. On the front, it has a 5-megapixel camera for selfies and video chats. The phone has a fingerprint sensor for authentication and supports a face unlock feature. Connectivity options on the handset include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a USB Type-C port.
The Itel Zeno 10 is backed by a 5,000mAh battery. It measures 164x76x9mm and weighs 186 grams.
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