JBL Wave Series 2 earphones have been unveiled in India. The lineup includes the JBL Wave Buds 2 and the JBL Wave Beam 2 TWS headsets. Both pairs are claimed to offer a total playback time of up to 40 hours, 8mm dynamic drivers, and IP54 ratings for dust and splash resistance. The charging cases of both audio wearables have IPX2-rated builds for splash resistance. The Wave Buds 2 and Wave Beam 2 have support for dual connectivity as well as active noise cancellation (ANC).
JBL Wave Buds 2, JBL Wave Beam 2 Price in India, Availability
JBL Wave Buds 2 price in India is set at Rs. 3,499, while the JBL Wave Beam 2 are marked at Rs. 3,999. They are available for purchase in the country via Amazon and the JBL India website. Both TWS earphones are offered in black, blue, pink, and white color options.
JBL Wave Buds 2, JBL Wave Beam 2 Features
Both JBL Wave Buds 2 and Wave Beam 2 carry 8mm dynamic drivers and quad mic systems. They support ANC and Smart Ambient technology, which are said to provide clear calls and a distraction-free music experience.
The earphones are compatible with the JBL Headphones app. They offer Bluetooth 5.3 and multi-point connectivity, which allows users to connect the headsets to multiple Bluetooth-supported electronic devices. They also have support for Google's Fast Pair and Microsoft's Swift Pair.
According to JBL, the Wave Buds 2 and Wave Beam 2 can offer a total playback time of up to 40 hours including the charging case. The JBL Wave Buds 2 and Wave Beam 2 have 49mAh and 50mAh batteries each. Meanwhile, the charging cases carry 550mAh cells.
The JBL Wave Buds 2 earphones measure 21.6 x 15.8 x 20.4mm in size and weigh 4.5g each, while the Wave Beam 2 earphones have dimensions of 32.4 x 22 x 23.3mm and weigh 4.3g each. Both earphones are equipped with IP54 ratings for dust and splash resistance. Meanwhile, their charging cases have IPX2 ratings for splash resistance.