Reliance Jio has launched the Jio Tag Go, which the company claims to be India's first Android-compatible tracking device that works with Google's Find My Device Network. The device is “coin-sized” and can be easily paired with your Android phone. Once paired, it connects seamlessly to Google's Find My Device Network. Reliance Jio has priced the Jio Tag Go competitively—much more aggressively than similar offerings. This ensures that nearby Android devices continuously update the real-time location, allowing users to track their belongings efficiently.

Jio Tag Go Price and Availability

Reliance Jio has priced the Jio Tag Go at 1,499 in India. The device is available for purchase via Amazon India, JioMart, Reliance Digital, and MyJio Stores. Jio Tag Go is available in several colours, including white, yellow, orange, and black.

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How is it Different from the Jio Tag Air?

For the uninitiated, Reliance Jio had previously launched a tracker called the Jio Tag Air. This device is designed for apple users and works exclusively with Apple's Find My Network, serving as an alternative to the Apple AirTag.

In contrast, the Jio Tag Go is tailored for Android users and integrates with Google's Find My Device Network. By offering both the Jio Tag Air and the Jio Tag Go, Reliance Jio caters to users across device ecosystems, providing affordable trackers for all.

Jio Tag Go Features

Thanks to its compact and portable design, the Jio Tag Go can be used in various ways—inside wallets, purses, luggage, and even attached to expensive gadgets, cars, or bikes. This versatility makes it a convenient way to track your belongings.

The device leverages Google's Find My Device Network and a network of other Android devices to provide precise tracking. It works globally, across continents and countries.

The battery life is rated to last up to one year. The tracker includes a Ring to Find feature: if you misplace the tracker or the item it is attached to, you can use the Google Find My Device app to make the tracker ring at a loud 120dB, making it easy to locate even from a distance. .

You can also share your Jio Tag Go with friends and family, enabling them to locate it if necessary. Additionally, the battery is replaceable, with the device using a CR2032 battery.

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