The Telugu film Kalinga, directed by Dhruva Vaayu, is set to debut its Tamil-dubbed version on Aha Tamil. Following the moderate reception of the Telugu version, which premiered earlier on Aha Video, the Tamil adaptation will be available for streaming from December 13, 2024. The movie, initially released on September 13, 2024, explores themes of love, struggle and redemption, set against the backdrop of a rural village in Telangana.

When and Where to Watch Kalinga

Fans of regional cinema can catch Kalinga on Aha Tamil starting December 13, 2024. This OTT release aims to reach a broader audience by presenting the story in Tamil, allowing viewers unfamiliar with Telugu to enjoy the film.

Official Trailer and Plot of Kalinga

The trailer of Kalinga highlights its dramatic storyline, focusing on Linga, played by Dhruva Vaayu. Linga, an orphan from a village in Telangana, is portrayed as a carefree man battling personal demons, including alcohol addiction. He falls in love with Paddu, enacted by Pragya Nayan. Their lives take a drastic turn when Paddu becomes a target for Bali, the unruly brother of the village chief. The story revolves around Linga's attempts to overcome societal pressures, repay familial debts, and confront Bali to secure Paddu's safety and affection.

Cast and Crew of Kalinga

The film features Dhruva Vaayu, Pragya Nayan, Aadukalam Naren, Laxman Meesala, Shiju AR, and others in pivotal roles. Directed by Dhruva Vaayu, the project was produced by Deepthi Kondaveeti and Pruthvi Yadav. The musical score was composed by Vishnu Sekhara and Anantha Narayanan Ag.

Reception of Kalinga

The movie received mixed reviews post-release. It has an IMDb rating of 8.5/10.

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