They confirmed that the suspect, an active duty U.S. Army soldier named Matthew Leavelsberger, had a “potential manifesto” saved on his phone, in addition to emails from a podcaster and other letters. They also showed video evidence of him preparing to explode by pouring fuel into the truck at a stop before going to the hotel. He also kept a log of alleged surveillance, although authorities said he had no criminal record and was not being monitored or investigated.
las vegas metro police Also released several slides Showing questions given to ChatGPT several days before the explosion, they asked about explosives, how to detonate them, and how to detonate them with a gunshot, as well as where to legally obtain guns, explosive materials, and fireworks. Also given information about where it should be purchased. route.
When asked about the questions, OpenAI spokesperson Liz Bourgeois said:
We are saddened by this incident and are committed to using AI tools responsibly. Our models are designed to reject harmful instructions and minimize harmful content. In this case, ChatGPT responded with information already publicly available on the Internet and warned against harmful or illegal activities. We are working with law enforcement to assist in their investigation.
Officials say they are still investigating the possible sources of the explosion, which has been described as a slowly spreading deflagration as opposed to a high-explosive explosion that would have moved faster and caused more damage. While investigators say they have not yet ruled out other possibilities, such as a power failure, one explanation that matches some of the questions and the available evidence is that the muzzle flash of the gunshot ignited the fuel vapors inside the truck. The fireworks ignited the fuse, which then occurred. Large explosion of fireworks and other explosive materials.
Trying queries in ChatGPT still works today, however, the information requested does not seem to be restricted and can be obtained by most search methods. Still, questions arise about the suspect's use of generative AI tools and the ability of investigators to track those requests and introduce them as evidence. AI chatbot guardrailsecurity and privacy beyond the realm of imagination And in our reality.