Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition was launched in India on Tuesday. The latest laptop from the Chinese company boasts the new Intel Core Ultra series 2 processor dubbed Lunar Lake. It supports artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities courtesy of a dedicated neural processing unit (NPU) and is a certified Microsoft Copilot+ PC. The laptop sports a 2.8K IPS screen, Wi-Fi 7 support, 1TB of SSD storage, and runs on Windows 11 Home edition.

Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition Price in India

Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition price in India starts at Rs. 1,49,990 and is offered in a single Luna Gray colourway. It is available to purchase from Lenovo.com, Lenovo Exclusive Stores, e-commerce websites, and other offline retail stores. It comes with a complimentary 2-month membership to Adobe Creative Cloud.

The company says its newest laptop is also offered as a 'Custom to Order' (CTO) option which enables the buyer to tailor its features such as the processor, operating system, and storage as per their requirements. This service is exclusively available via the brand website.

Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition Specifications

Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition is equipped with a 2.8K (2880 x 1800 pixels) IPS touchscreen display with a 120Hz refresh rate and 500 nits of peak brightness. It has 100 percent DCI-P3 color gamut coverage. The laptop gets a 1080p Full HD IR camera with E-Shutter.

The Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition is powered by Intel Core Ultra Processor Series 2 (codenamed Lunar Lake), paired with 32GB of LPDDR5X RAM operating at 8533MHz, and 1TB of onboard M.2 PCIe Gen4 SSD storage. It also gets a dedicated neural processing unit (NPU), supporting up to 120 trillion operations per second (TOPS). The NPU alone offers 45 TOPS of AI performance. The laptop offers an 8-core hybrid architecture and a high-performance GPU.

You get features such as Smart Modes which dynamically adjust the performance and system settings depending on the workload. Its Attention Mode blocks distracting websites and helps users focus, while the Smart Share enables AI-driven image sharing between smartphones and laptops, supporting both Android and iOS platforms. The Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition comes with eye wellness and posture warnings to combat fatigue.

The laptop comes bundled with a range of AI features such as low light enhancement, virtual presenter, and background blur for video calls. There's also a Shield Mode which is claimed to safeguard privacy with privacy alerts, privacy guard, and auto prompt VPN.

In terms of connectivity, the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Aura Edition is equipped with Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth 5.4, and Thunderbolt 4 ports. It packs a 4-cell 70Whr battery.

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