LG on Thursday launched its new flagship soundbars in India. The company has introduced two models in its lineup, LG S95TR and S90TY and they come equipped with Dolby Atmos audio support, wireless rear surround speakers, and 3D Spatial Sound Technology. They also boast artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, including a feature dubbed AI Room Calibration, which is claimed to enhance the audio based on the room's environment.
LG S95TR and S90T Soundbars Price in India
LG S95TR is priced in India at Rs. 99,990. It is currently available at Rs. 84,990 as part of a limited period offer, according to the company. Meanwhile, the LG S90T expenses Rs. 69,991. Both soundbars are up for pre-order till January 25 and will be available for purchase starting January 28 on the brand website, Amazon, Flipkart, and other online and offline retail platforms.
LG S95TR and S90T Soundbars Specifications
As per the company, the LG S95TR soundbar has a power output of 810W as part of a 9.1.5 channel system. It features five up-firing speakers with upgraded tweeters and integrated passive radiators as well as wireless rear surround speakers. The soundbar can push the low-frequency response down to 120Hz for balanced sound.
LG says the S95TR soundbar offers a cinematic audio experience, equipped with features like wireless Dolby Atmos and DTS:X 2. It can also connect with select LG TVs wirelessly, leveraging the WOWCAST feature which makes it easier to navigate through the TV's sound settings with WOW interface. Meanwhile, its WOW Orchestra technology is claimed to expand the soundstage and add layers of depth to the audio.
The LG S90T is also equipped with similar technologies but with a lower output of 570W. It offers a 5.1.3 channel setup and does not come with rear wireless surround speakers. Both models feature the company's 3D Spatial Sound technology which is said to apply channel analysis through a 3D engine. Its LG AI Room Calibration feature assesses the room's environment to fine tune the sound in line with the acoustics. LG says it can also calibrate the audio of the rear surround speakers.
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