Noise Air Buds 6 was launched in India on Monday. The company claims that the TWS headset comes with personalization features developed in collaboration with German technology firm Bragi, via the Noise BudsLink companion app. Each earphone is equipped with a 12.4mm driver and the headset supports up to 32dB active noise cancellation (ANC). It is said to offer a total usage time of up to 50 hours, which includes the charging case. The headset supports multipoint connectivity and up to 50ms low latency.
Noise Air Buds 6 Price in India, Availability
Noise Air Buds 6 price in India is set at Rs. 2,999 and will be available for purchase via Amazon, Flipkart and the GoNoise e-store starting January 7. The TWS headset is currently available for pre-orders via the company's website.
Interested buyers can pre-order the headset by paying Rs. 399. The pre-order pass will be available for 14 days from the launch date. It is offered in three colourways — Charcoal Black, Pebble Grey, and Sage Blue.
Noise Air Buds 6 Specifications, Features
The Noise Air Buds 6 has a traditional in-ear design with rounded stems. Each earphone is equipped with a 12.4mm driver and a quad-mic unit that enables support for environmental noise cancellation (ENC). The TWS earphones also support up to 32dB ANC, as well as a transparency mode. A 50ms low latency mode aimed at gamers is also available on the headset.
This TWS headset offers Google Fast Pair support and multipoint connectivity. It allows users to pair the Noise Air Buds 6 headsets with more than one Bluetooth device simultaneously. The earphones have an in-ear detection feature and have an IPX5 rating for splash resistance. They are compatible with the Noise BudsLink App, which allows users to customize EQ settings and touch control gestures.
Noise claims that the Air Buds 6 can last for up to 50 hours, together with the charging case. However, the company hasn't revealed how long the TWS headset can run before it must be placed in the case for charging. A quick charge of 10 minutes is claimed to offer a playback of up to 150 minutes. The charging case has a USB Type-C port.
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