OnePlus rolled out its Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 in India and other regions for the OnePlus 12 earlier this month. Now, the company has pushed out another update which adds several key features that were previewed at the OxygenOS 15s' unveiling but did not arrive with the initial build of the OS. Users can now take advantage of the AI ​​Retouch feature which leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to upscale cropped or low-resolution images, while the AI ​​writing tools assist in drafting and tweaking written content.
OxygenOS 15 Update Availability
In a community postOnePlus announced that it is rolling out the OxygenOS update for OnePlus 12. It is deploying the update in batches in India and the same process will begin for OnePlus 12 users in North America (NA), Europe (EU), and Global (GLO) regions next week.
OxygenOS 15 Update Features
As per the official changelog, the OxygenOS update introduces several AI features. It brings AI Retouch which is said to upscale and improve the quality of cropped, distant or low-resolution images, as well as an Unblur feature which can restore the details, colors, and lighting in blurred photos. There's also a Remove reflections feature which is claimed to get rid of reflections from glass surfaces such as windows.
AI Notes is also making a debut with the latest OxygenOS 15 update for the OnePlus 12. It can format, expand or condense content written in the Notes app. Another addition is the Format feature which is claimed to organize scattered information into a proper structure. On the other hand, OnePlus' Clean up feature can remove filler words from voice notes while maintaining the original audio to make it more coherent.
The company says its latest update makes it easier to share live photos with iOS devices, while also improving the stability and expanding the compatibility of Bluetooth connections. Other features of the OxygenOS include a floating window view for contacts, boarding pass recognition in Photos, and support for 3 × 3 grids for apps in large folders.
Lastly, it integrates the November 2024 Android security patch for improved system security.