OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R were launched in India on Tuesday. The phones are powered by Snapdragon 8 Elite and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoCs, respectively. They ship with Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 and they are equipped with 6,000mAh batteries. The handsets are equipped with in-display fingerprint sensors for security and three-state alert sliders. The company has introduced magnetic cases for the OnePlus 13 model and a 50W AIRVOOC wireless charger, which will go on sale in the country later this week.
OnePlus 13 Magnetic Cases, OnePlus AIRVOOC 50W Wireless Charger Price in India
OnePlus 13 Sandstone magnetic case is priced in India at Rs. 1,299. The online listing of the protective case will be available for purchase in the country starting January 10 via the OnePlus India website. The OnePlus 13 Wood Grain magnetic half-pack case in Wood Black finish is marked at Rs. 2,299, while the OnePlus 13 Aramid Fiber magnetic case is listed at Rs. 2,499.
The OnePlus AIRVOOC 50W wireless charger is offered in India in a white colourway, and it is priced in the country at Rs. 5,999. It is expected to be available for purchase soon via the OnePlus India. e-storeNotably, the OnePlus 13 India variant houses a 6,000mAh battery and supports 100W wired SuperVOOC charging as well as 50W wireless charging.
OnePlus 13, OnePlus 13R Price in India and Availability
The OnePlus 13 will go on sale in the country starting January 10, via Amazon and the OnePlus India e-store. The price of the handset starts at Rs. 69,999 for the 12GB + 256GB option, while the 16GB + 512GB and 24GB + 1TB variants are priced at Rs. 76,999 and Rs. 89,999, respectively. It is offered in Arctic Dawn, Black Eclipse, and Midnight Ocean color options.
On the other hand, the 12GB + 256GB and 16GB + 512GB variants of the accompanying OnePlus 13R handset are priced at Rs. 42,999 and Rs. 49,999, respectively. It is available in Astral Trail and Nebula Noir shades.
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