OnePlus 13 and the OnePlus 13R will launch in several global markets including India on January 7. The design, color options and several key features of the upcoming handsets have already been revealed. The company has now showcased the official protective case options for the phones. These cases will arrive with support for magnetic wireless charging. Notably, the flagship OnePlus 13 was unveiled in China in October last year and the OnePlus 13R is said to be a rebrand of the OnePlus Ace 5, which was introduced in China in December 26.
OnePlus 13, OnePlus 13R Official Magnetic Cases
OnePlus Ireland has listed the upcoming global variants of the OnePlus 13 and the OnePlus 13R and revealed their official protective cases with magnetic wireless charging support. Both phones will get the option of a Sandstone Magnetic case, which may offer a sandpaper-textured finish.
The OnePlus 13 will also get Wood Grain Magnetic Half-pack and Aramid Fiber Magnetic cases. The former is expected to come with a design resembling wood, while the latter is expected to have a thin but durable material.
Notably, a wood-inspired protective case for the OnePlus 13 is available in China, which supports magnetic wireless charging.
OnePlus 13, OnePlus 13R India Variant Features
The Indian variants of the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R will be powered by Snapdragon 8 Elite and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoCs, respectively. The base OnePlus 13 is said to meet IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and water resistance. Both handsets will launch in the country with 6,000mAh batteries and support for AI-backed photo editing and note-taking features.
OnePlus 13R will be offered in Astral Trail and Nebula Noir colourways, while the OnePlus 13R will be available in Arctic Dawn, Black Eclipse, and Midnight Ocean shades. The phones are confirmed to be available for purchase in the country via Amazon alongside the OnePlus India website.