The action thriller Pani, which marked Joju George's directorial debut, is heading to its digital release. Released in cinemas in October 2024, the Malayalam-language film received critical acclaim and was a commercial success. Starring Joju George in the lead role, alongside Sagar Surya and Junaiz VP, the movie revolves around themes of revenge and power dynamics in Thrissur, Kerala. Fans can now stream Pani from January 16, 2025, on the OTT platform Sony LIV.
When and Where to Watch Pani
The streaming rights for Pani have been acquired by Sony LIV, which recently confirmed the release date through its official social media channels. The film will be available to watch starting January 16, 2025. It will be accessible in multiple languages, including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi, catering to a diverse audience.
Official Trailer and Plot of Pani
The trailer for Pani captivated viewers with its intense storytelling and gripping action sequences. It sets the tone for the revenge-driven narrative, which centers on Giri, portrayed by Joju George, a well-established don in Thrissur. Living a peaceful life with his wife Gowri, played by Abhinaya, Giri's world is disrupted by two young mechanics, Don, played by Sagar Surya and Siju, played by Junaiz VP, who enter the city's underworld through contract killings. Their actions lead to a series of conflicts that form the crux of the story.
Cast and Crew of Pani
The film boasts an ensemble cast, featuring Joju George, Sagar Surya, Junaiz VP, Abhinaya, and Seema in significant roles. Supporting roles are played by Babu Namboothiri, Sujith Shankar, and Prashanth Alexander, among others. Pani was shot by cinematographers Venu ISC and Jinto George, while the music was composed by Vishnu Vijay, Sam CS, and Santhosh Narayanan. Produced by M. Riaz Adam and Sijo Vadakkan under the banners AD Studios and Appu Pathu Pappu Productions, the film promises a visual and emotional treat.
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