Poco X7 5G is expected to launch soon as a successor to the Poco X6 5G, which was unveiled in India in January. The global variant of the purported handset has previously been spotted on Geekbench. The phone is tipped to offer similar specifications as the Redmi Note 14 Pro, which was launched in the country earlier this month alongside a base and a Pro+ variant. Now, leaked design renders of the anticipated Poco X7 5G as well as some of its expected key features have surfaced online now.
Poco X7 5G Design, Color Options
The Poco reportThe handset appears in green, and silver shades as well as a black and yellow colourway with dual-tone finishes.
The power button and volume rocker of the rumored Poco X7 5G handset are placed on the right edge. The display has a centered hole-punch slot at the top to house the front camera. The design of the leaked render is similar to that of Redmi's Note 14 Pro.
Poco X7 5G Features (Expected)
The Poco X7 5G is tipped to come with a camera setup similar to the Redmi Note 14 Pro. This means the handset could carry a 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 primary sensor with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS), an 8-megapixel Sony IMX355 ultra-wide shooter and a 2-megapixel OV02B10 macro camera. For selfies and video calls, the phone could get a 20-megapixel sensor.
Poco It is expected to ship with Android 14-based HyperOS and house a 5,500mAh battery with 45W wired fast charging support.