A gripping new superhero series, Power of Paanch, produced by Ektaa R. Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms Ltd., is all set to make its debut on Disney+ Hotstar. The show centers on the intertwined themes of friendship, love, and the sudden discovery of hidden superpowers among a group of friends. As their lives change in unimaginable ways, the story explores how they come to terms with these powers while facing unexpected challenges and uncovering dark secrets.
When and Where to Watch Power of Paanch
The highly anticipated web series Power of Paanch will begin streaming exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar from January 17, 2025. Audiences can enjoy this thrilling drama filled with twists and emotional depth on the popular OTT platform.
Official Trailer and Plot of Power of Paanch
The trailer of Power of Paanch offers a glimpse into a world where ordinary lives are disrupted by extraordinary events. The storyline follows a group of young friends who unexpectedly develop superpowers they had only dreamed about. What begins as an exhilarating journey soon evolves into a tale of self-reflection, responsibility, and conflict as the weight of their newfound abilities takes a toll on their relationships. Betrayals and hidden truths are revealed, keeping viewers hooked as the narrative unfolds.
Cast and Crew of Power of Paanch
The ensemble cast of Power of Paanch features a mix of emerging talents and seasoned actors. Rising stars such as Riva Arora, Aditya Raj Arora, Jaiveer Juneja, Bianca Arora, and Yash Sehgal bring fresh energy to the screen. They are joined by established performers including Urvashi Dholakia, Barkha Bisht, Tanvi Gadkari, Anubha Arora, Omar Kandhari, Sagar Dholakia, and Bhanuj Sood. Produced by Ektaa R. Kapoor, the series promises a compelling viewing experience by blending emotional storytelling with elements of fantasy and adventure.
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