The Telugu film Ramnagar Bunny captivated audiences during its theatrical run with its blend of humor, drama, and relatable themes. Starring debutant Chandra Hass, the romantic comedy follows the life of a carefree young man whose impulsive choices lead to a journey of self-discovery. Directed by Srinivas Mahath, the movie explores relationships, personal growth, and responsibility in a light-hearted manner. After earning praise in cinemas, it is now gearing up for its OTT debut, offering viewers another chance to enjoy this engaging story.
When and Where to Watch Ramnagar Bunny
The Telugu romantic comedy Ramnagar Bunny is set to premiere on Aha Video. After a successful theatrical release on October 4, 2024, the movie will be available for streaming from January 17, 2025. Featuring Chandra Hass, son of television star Prabhakar, the film promises an engaging watch for fans of the genre.
Official Trailer and Plot of Ramnagar Bunny
The trailer of Ramnagar Bunny introduces viewers to the life of Bunny, a carefree 21-year-old navigating life in Ramnagar. Known for his reckless ways, Bunny spends his days indulging in frivolities, depleting his father's resources, and getting involved in multiple relationships. His carefree life takes a turn when his actions lead to unseen complications, prompting a journey of introspection. Themes of love, personal growth, and responsibility are explored as Bunny learns life-altering lessons.
Cast and Crew of Ramnagar Bunny
Directed by Srinivas Mahath, Ramnagar Bunny features Chandra Hass in the lead, with performances by Vismaya Sri, Richa Joshi, Ambika Vani, and others. The film also stars Muralidhar, Saleem Pheku, and Rithu Manthra in key roles. Produced under Sri Sumanohara Productions Pvt Ltd by Malayaja Prabhakar and Prabhakar Podakanda, it is presented by Divija Prabhakar. Ashwin Hemanth composed the music, while Ashkar Ali handled the cinematography.
Reception of Ramnagar Bunny
The film garnered attention for its relatable storytelling and strong performances during its theatrical run. It has a strong IMDb rating of 9.4/10.