The Tamil-language action drama Rathnam, directed by Hari and starring Vishal, has made its way to Hindi-speaking audiences. The Hindi dubbed version of the film is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, as per a recent announcement shared on X (formerly Twitter). The movie, released theatrically on April 26, 2024, has already garnered attention for its intense narrative, powerful performances and gripping soundtrack. The film was released on OTT in Tamil earlier this year, and now, with a Hindi-dubbed release, it will reach a larger audience.
When and Where to Watch Rathnam
The Hindi dub of Rathnam can now be streamed on Amazon Prime Video. After its digital debut in Tamil on the platform on May 23, 2024, the Hindi version has now been added to expand its reach among a wider audience. A tweet confirmed it form the platform's official channel
Official Trailer and Plot of Rathnam
The trailer for Rathnam teased a high-octane drama revolving around the titular character, played by Vishal, who seeks justice against his family's oppressors. The narrative follows Rathnam, a henchman who uncovers dark truths about his family's past while protecting a medical student, Malliga, portrayed by Priya Bhavani Shankar in a dual role as the protagonist's love interest and his late mother. With revenge, family dynamics, and morality at its core, the film delves into themes of sacrifice and redemption.
Cast and Crew of Rathnam
Rathnam features Vishal in the lead role, supported by Priya Bhavani Shankar, Samuthirakani, and Yogi Babu. Directed by Hari, the film was produced under the banners of Stone Bench Films, Zee Studios, and Invenio Origin. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music, which received significant acclaim, with tracks like “Vaarai Rathnam” becoming instant hits.
Reception of Rathnam
Upon its theatrical release, Rathnam received mixed reviews. While critics praised Vishal's performance and the engaging score by Devi Sri Prasad, the screenplay's pacing and graphic violence were points of contention. The film managed to achieve moderate success at the box office, reportedly earning an estimated ₹60 crore.