Realme 14x 5G will be unveiled in India on December 18. The company has revealed a few key features about the upcoming handset ahead of the scheduled launch. The build details and color options had been confirmed earlier. Now, Realme has announced the battery and charging details of the smartphone. More details may be revealed in the days leading up to the launch. The phone is expected to arrive in the country as a successor to the Realme 12X 5G, which was launched in India in April.

Realme 14x 5G Features

The Realme 14x 5G will be equipped with a 6,000mAh battery with support for 45W wired fast charging, the company confirmed in a press release. The handset is claimed to charge from zero to 50 percent in 38 minutes and a full 100 percent is said to take 93 minutes.realme 14x 5g realme inline realme 14x

Previously, the company revealed that the Realme 14x 5G will launch in India on December 18 at 12pm IST. The live Flipkart and Realme India microsites confirm that the smartphone will be available for purchase in the country via the Walmart-backed e-commerce site and the company's e-store. It is teased to arrive in black, gold, and red color options.

The Realme 14x 5G will come with IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and splash resistance. The phone is teased to be “India's First IP69 phone under 15K,” suggesting its price range.

Earlier leaks have claimed that the Realme 14x 5G will come in 6GB + 128GB, 8GB + 128GB, and 8GB + 256GB RAM and storage configurations. It is expected to sport a 6.67-inch HD+ IPS LCD screen.

Notably, the Realme 12x 5G launched in India at Rs. ₹11,999 for the 4GB + 128GB option. The 6GB + 128GB and 8GB + 128GB variants were listed at Rs. 13,499 and Rs. 14,999, respectively. It is offered in Coral Red, Twilight Purple, and Woodland Green shades.

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